We would like to add more Trains 01.03.2013

We would like to add more spots and trains but we have no good material to do that. That's why we need your help if you want to see more trains here. We recorded all videos on this site by ourself, exept the New York videos. And i think you can see the quality difference. We searched on youtube for more material but all stuff there doesn't fits to our requirements.

So if you like to help us and you want to record some videos here are some detailed information how to record good videos and where you can find good filming spots.

for a new train we need:
  • minimum 3 different videos
  • in each video one wagon should be complete visible for 2-6 sec
  • one big photo of one wagon in full size ( 1920px*1080px or bigger) in 90 degrees angle (that iss the photo to paint on)
video requirements:
  • HD resolution (1920*1090) , half HD (1280*720) only if you got no other possibilities
  • film with a tripod, videos filmed by hand are to unstable in most cases. if you don't have a tripod put your camera on a stone or a railing, this is really important.
  • one wagon should always be complete visible and as big as possible - very important! -> no cut on left or right side of the wagon
  • always choose the same train(same line, same type, same color) AND the same wagon (always the second or always the last) when filming
  • don't move the camera with the wagon (if the video is in HD we can crop the video later and move the cam in aftereffects)
  • THE wagon should start completely visible on one side of the video and move in 3-6s to the other side, choose your zoom carefully that is fits to that.
  • nothing between camera and train (no obstacles, no trees, no gras, no lamps, no houses, no cars) , nothing means really nothing ;)
  • camera position should be as far as possible from the train rails (50-100m), the view angle to the rails should be near to 90 degrees
where to find good spots to film:
  • the best looking movies and the less problems with bad obstacles you get if you film the trains from top
  • try to find a house or bridge where your position is higher then the train
  • on bridges it is easy to use the railing as a tripod
  • try to search nice spots inside a city and with good looking background, for example if you are in paris try to have the Eifel Tower behind the train so that you can see where the video is from
  • a good filming spot is a bridge on the main rails near the main train station, you got trains every 1-2 min

We made a small pdf for better understanding:
How To PDF

Yeah, that's a lot of information, but you should follow all instructions. We made many mistakes in the beginning and want to prevent you from hours of wasted time ;)

Thank you in advance


Posted over 11 years ago

I just had a thought of doing like rooftops and walls but can't do it if i can't move the camera so I'm not sure :/ Can't really do much else here in the U.S. I thought of doing freights but can't get the same line in multiple angles as well as the picture too. Sorry I would really like to help but my options are limited.


Posted over 11 years ago

hi might, thanks for trying to help. we think about to add something like rooftops and walls without video, more like a slideshow with photos. there are nearly the same requirements like for video: one frontal fullscreen picture of the writing area and 1-x pictures from different angles and distances. in which city do you stay?

best regards

Posted over 11 years ago

I can do some Polish and Austrian spots ;)

Posted almost 11 years ago


Posted almost 11 years ago

how about some Australia steel?

Posted over 10 years ago

yo where should I send the stuff 'cause you don't answer on facebook anymore and I cant find an email anywhere ;)

Posted over 8 years ago

we´ll get u some german steel ;)

Posted almost 7 years ago

i can make some videos from slovakia admin ...
or u can add trains with no movie :)
i can help lil bit.

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