New Features 28.12.2012

We made some changes and improvements. First we got a new train: the New York Subway. This train is a must have and now we got it.

We've got a lot of nice bombings, but sometimes older ones getting out of view. Another point is we missed the element of a battle. That's why we got two new categories now: "Best of the day" and "Best of the week". Here you can see a gallery with the best bombings from a day or a week. That means you have a battle on each day now. Who is the best?

cheers and happy new year


Posted almost 12 years ago

THX 4 NewYork!
Good Job! =)

Posted almost 12 years ago

nice. paris subway would be nice too

Posted almost 12 years ago


contact email?

got bug..

cant do user whole page movie...

Posted almost 12 years ago

hmm in the video, the truck is red. update trains, trucks and subs.

Posted almost 12 years ago

fark yall...

was nice, asked you toys for contact.


and we got beef


Posted almost 12 years ago

way you dicked the man shows... worst kind.

facebook yah lies, do it more cunts...

Posted almost 12 years ago

yah 3d toyfest on facebook - funny.

Posted almost 12 years ago

hrhr got you : )


i was joking...

site is great.

beats on here are good but need new stuff - one idea for you, for free: let people link thir own beats for their own vids. Ideally, off any platform. i.e: you tube / vimeo / soundcloud.

p.s. something like this.


Posted almost 12 years ago

It would be nice if you can add friends as Writer friend and build crews and skip songs :)

Posted almost 12 years ago

@cenoh: thanks for the bug. it is fixed now, rating was also broken.
@all others: thanks for your feedback und ideas. We got many plans for new features but currently very limited time to do stuff. Hope this will change soon.


Posted almost 12 years ago

We would like to add some more trains but we got no material. Berlin stuff is filmed by ourselfs but for other cities we need your help. If you got good quality videos from trains in London, Paris or somewhere else please get in contact with us: [email protected].

Posted almost 12 years ago

i m going to Paris next week . you need pictures ? or videos ? lemme know ! peace

Posted almost 12 years ago

hi pecor, sorry, i saw your message to late. i made a "how-to-record-videos", you can read it here:

Posted about 11 years ago

make it possible to piece the whole train.......also why does nobleone have so many votes, it doesn:t seem fair...............

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