Tribby to The man that inspired me to be a writer. Wayne Robers AKA Stay High 149. His tag was unique, his penmanship masterful and the "Smoker" character topped off this ICONIC Legend's famous tag. I was probably 11 at the time when I saw that "Stay High 149 tag in 1/2 inch flawless white opague flow master ink across the window of the #1 Broadway Local, it inspired me to delve into the world of Graffiti. Stay High is one of the New York City Graffiti scene's most iconic writers. Definitely top 5. Pioneer and Legend. Rest In Peace Wayne.
Tribby to The man that inspired me to be a writer. Wayne Robers AKA Stay High 149. His tag was unique, his penmanship masterful and the "Smoker" character topped off this ICONIC Legend's famous tag. I was probably 11 at the time when I saw that "Stay High 149 tag in 1/2 inch flawless white opague flow master ink across the window of the #1 Broadway Local, it inspired me to delve into the world of Graffiti. Stay High is one of the New York City Graffiti scene's most iconic writers. Definitely top 5. Pioneer and Legend. Rest In Peace Wayne.
yes- l love the stay high 149 whole car he did on the redbirds...its featured in the classic book ''the faith of graffiti'' stay high
Yes absolute legend - tag was so unique
also love your new avitar!''........