You need the Flash Player or the IOS or android app to see the bombings in action.
You have to activate Flash for this page (even if you have it installed already).
Here is an image that shows how to do it: look here
Purge style
cheers fellas
so what if i done it quickly? whats your point?? toys vote? get outta here with your garbage.
ps. i could say that same about you bro, with toys. you couldnt rock a clean piece of your life depended on it.
You can bomb. that's it. you shouldn't be talking shit when your styles not great. i'm from Australia.
i have no style? my throw ups burn your pieces. lol pathetic.
im 28 and a paid artist for a living you toy. instagram: musizm1 now fuck off.
instagram iz gay put the real world..
Troy, just bugger off. No one likes arrogance in graffiti, that's the graffiti writers biggest weakness. Also you got some made pieces Mus, mate.
Cheers Acer spades. His just a toy being a hater :p his comments are gone.. but they were a lol.
Purge style
cheers fellas
so what if i done it quickly? whats your point?? toys vote? get outta here with your garbage.
ps. i could say that same about you bro, with toys. you couldnt rock a clean piece of your life depended on it.
You can bomb. that's it. you shouldn't be talking shit when your styles not great. i'm from Australia.
i have no style? my throw ups burn your pieces. lol pathetic.
im 28 and a paid artist for a living you toy. instagram: musizm1 now fuck off.
instagram iz gay put the real world..
Troy, just bugger off. No one likes arrogance in graffiti, that's the graffiti writers biggest weakness. Also you got some made pieces Mus, mate.
Cheers Acer spades. His just a toy being a hater :p his comments are gone.. but they were a lol.