

Registered since Dec 2017
BOTD: 0 BOTW: 0 Bombings: 5
Bombing 1527887784074
Brick wall in Bushwick in New York 01 Jun 2018 21:16:25


Posted over 6 years ago

very nice

Posted over 6 years ago

yo- you start a piece and save without publishing. then a other one edit the piece and start his work. after you all are ready you published it online. / smile

Posted over 6 years ago

no 4 example:
smile-dhc is my solo profil. and amg is my crew account with my homies. they have the login password. so i start a background and anyone of my guys edit it.

Posted over 6 years ago

amg was only a example to show you how it works. theres a lot of crews on this site. psy70/80 - mtk - noeffortclub - onceagain - dwu - ateam. yes the old sites was good but now i only know the same 2 sites.

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